The Life Support Learning Center is open from  7:30 - 4:00 Monday Through Friday


Please contact us by  if you need to acquire books/material for future courses, questions in regards to upcoming courses or concerns regarding your AHA certification expirations.

Click here to upload your certificate into Workday

Special Pathogen Education (Including COVID) can be found in Workday by searching Special Pathogens in the course listings

Virtual Education Material

The Life Support Learning Center provides training and education in current resuscitation and critical thinking surrounding arrest and patient decompensation that is essential for optimal patient outcomes.

Courses offered by the Life Support Learning Center are targeted to those who treat children and adults in emergency situations. Programs are designed to create learning opportunities that will enhance and expand the knowledge and skills of health care providers, improve the quality of health care delivery during emergency situations, and improve patient care.

Office Hours:   Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Closed Weekends and Holidays)

Phone: 434-924-1765

Located @ 1222 Jefferson Park Avenue -5th Floor- Room 5603


Click Here to Cancel Your Course Registration


BLS/CPR Courses   Adult Courses   Pediatric Courses   Trauma Courses

Mock Code Train the Trainer Sessions   Zoll R Series ALS Device Training